Camiba – Compressed Sensing¶
(mat_D, mat_C, algo)[source]¶ - General Compressed Sensing Scenario
This class offers a very convenient but still abstract interface to a standard compressed sensing scenario, which generally consists of a dictionary matrix, a compression matrix and a reconstruction scheme represented by an algorithm.
(arr_y)[source]¶ - Apply Compression
Parameters: arr_y : ndarray
signal to compress
Returns: ndarray
the compressed measurement
(num_s, entries=[], do_complex=False)[source]¶ - Generate a Sparse Signal
This function generates a sparse ground truth signal according to the scenarios dimensions of a given sparsity order and makes use of a certain set of specified elements if provided.
Parameters: num_s : int
desired sparsity order
entries : list
list of possible values
do_complex : bool
whether the elements are complex or not
Returns: ndarray
the sparse vector
(num_s, dist, entries=[], do_complex=False)[source]¶ - Generate a Sparse Signal with Separation Condition
This function generates a sparse ground truth signal according to the scenarios dimensions of a given sparsity order and makes use of a certain set of specified elements if provided. Moreover, a separation condition is used to not put support elements closer than this distance. Ultimatively this generates more “well behaved” signals in terms of reconstruction.
Parameters: num_s : int
desired sparsity order
num_dist : int
desired separation distance
entries : list
list of possible values
do_complex : bool
whether the elements are complex or not
Returns: ndarray
the sparse signal
(num_s, fun_x, args, arr_snr, fun_noise, dct_fun_compare, num_trials)[source]¶ - Calculate a phase transition
Given the scenario we generate sparse vectors with a certain fixed sparsity level and according to a provided scheme. Then we apply the forward model and the compression and add noise to the compressed measurements, which is generated by a provided noise generating function. Then we aim a reconstructing the original signal from this compressed and noisy data. This is done several times for each level of SNR and after each reconstruction, we compare the reconstruction with respect to one or more provided error metrics. Finally everything is saved and returned in a dictionary where the keys are given by the SNR and the name of the applied error metric.
Parameters: num_s : int
sparsity level
fun_x : method
function, which takes the sparsity level as parameter to generate a sparse vector
args : dict
arguments for the recovery algorithm
arr_snr : ndarray
all level of SNR to go through
fun_noise : ndarray
noise generating function, taking the snr and the vector size as arguments
dct_fun_compare : dict
dictionary of comparison function
num_trials : int
number of trials to run at each snr level
Returns: ndarray
the compressed measurement
(arr_x)[source]¶ Transform to measurment
This method takes a sparse vector and multiplies it with the dictionary to get the acutal signal from its sparse representation. Often this is called forward model. Then also the defined compression step is applied and we implemented the whole pipelein
Parameters: arr_x : ndarray
sparse vector
Returns: ndarray
the compressed measurement
(arr_b, args)[source]¶ - Recover a sparse vector
Given a measurement and additional arguments for the recovery method we call this very method and return its result.
Parameters: arr_b : ndarray
measurement vector
args : dict
recovery algorithms arguments
Returns: ndarray
the sparse reconstructed vector
(num_n, num_m, mos_method='eft', *args, algorithm=<function recover>, **kwargs)[source]¶ Here we implement a Class, which provides different methods for sparsity order estimation from compressed measurements. Many of them are very good.
(arr_b)[source]¶ - Do Sparsity Order Estimation
This function does the acutal SOE process for a given measurement and returns the estimated size.
Parameters: arr_b : ndarray
one ore several compressed measurements
Returns: ndarray
the estimated sparsity orders
(num_s, fun_x, arr_snr, fun_noise, dct_fun_compare, num_trials)[source]¶ - Calculate a phase transition
Given the scenario we generate sparse vectors with a certain fixed sparsity level and according to a provided scheme. Then we apply the forward model and the compression and add noise to the compressed measurements, which is generated by a provided noise generating function. Here, we only estimate the sparsity order and check if it succeeds or fails. This is done several times for each level of SNR and after each reconstruction, we compare the reconstruction with respect to one or more provided error metrics. Finally everything is saved and returned in a dictionary where the keys are given by the SNR and the name of the applied error metric.
Parameters: num_s : int
sparsity level
fun_x : method
function, which takes the sparsity level as parameter to generate a sparse vector
args : dict
arguments for the recovery algorithm
arr_snr : ndarray
all level of SNR to go through
fun_noise : ndarray
noise generating function, taking the snr and the vector size as arguments
dct_fun_compare : dict
dictionary of comparison function
num_trials : int
number of trials to run at each snr level
Returns: ndarray
the compressed measurement
(num_s, fun_x, args, arr_snr, fun_noise, dct_fun_compare, num_trials)[source]¶ - Calculate a phase transition
Given the scenario we generate sparse vectors with a certain fixed sparsity level and according to a provided scheme. Then we apply the forward model and the compression and add noise to the compressed measurements, which is generated by a provided noise generating function. Then we aim a reconstructing the original signal from this compressed and noisy data, where we also feed the estimated sparsity order, which is provided by this class as a parameter in the algorithm for reconstruction. This is done several times for each level of SNR and after each reconstruction, we compare the reconstruction with respect to one or more provided error metrics. Finally everything is saved and returned in a dictionary where the keys are given by the SNR and the name of the applied error metric.
Parameters: num_s : int
sparsity level
fun_x : method
function, which takes the sparsity level as parameter to generate a sparse vector
args : dict
arguments for the recovery algorithm
arr_snr : ndarray
all level of SNR to go through
fun_noise : ndarray
noise generating function, taking the snr and the vector size as arguments
dct_fun_compare : dict
dictionary of comparison function
num_trials : int
number of trials to run at each snr level
Returns: ndarray
the compressed measurement