Camiba – Algorithms¶
This submodule aims at providing a rich ensemble of algorithms, which are implementend with easy to read code and not many optimizations for rapid prototyping and adaption for own more specifically tailored applications.
This module provides different specialiced implementations of the well known method of alternating direction multipliers [ADMM]. Since the method is so general, many variants exist and many optimizations problems can be recast into a problem, which can be solved by a specific ADMM.
(A, AH, AHA, y, rho, tau, num_steps)[source]¶ Atomic Norm Denoising for 1D Line Spectral Estimation
This ADMM approximates a solution to
min_[x,u,t] 1/(2n) trace T(u) + 1/2 t s.t. [[T(u), x], [x^H, t]] >= 0, ||b - Ax||_2 < z
for given matrix A, vector b and z > 0. Moreover, T(u) maps the vector u to a Hermitian Toeplitz matrix defined by u.
Parameters: A : ndarray
system matrix
AH : ndarray
Hermitian transpose of system matrix
AHA : ndarray
Gram matrix of system matrix
b : ndarray
measurement vector
rho : float
parameter for augmented lagrangian
alpha : float
thresholding parameter
num_steps : int
number of steps
Returns: (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray)
x, T(u), t
(A, AH, AHA, y, rho, tau, num_steps, arr_d)[source]¶ Atomic Norm Denoising for 1D Line Spectral Estimation
This ADMM approximates a solution to
min_[x,u,t] 1/(2n) trace T(u) + 1/2 t s.t. [[T(u), x], [x^H, t]] >= 0, ||b - Ax||_2 < z
for given matrix A, vector b and z > 0. Moreover, T(u) maps the tensor of order l u to a l-level Hermitian Toeplitz matrix defined by u.
Parameters: A : ndarray
system matrix
AH : ndarray
Hermitian transpose of system matrix
AHA : ndarray
Gram matrix of system matrix
b : ndarray
measurement vector
rho : float
parameter for augmented lagrangian
alpha : float
thresholding parameter
num_steps : int
number of steps
arr_d : ndarray
dimension sizes
Returns: (ndarray, ndarray, ndarray)
x, T(u), t
(A, b, x_init, rho, alpha, num_steps)[source]¶ Basis Pursuit Denoising
For given matrix A, vector b and z > 0, ADDM approximates a solution to
min ||x||_1 s.t. ||A * x - b||_2 < z.
The algorithm needs a thresholding parameter, an initial guess for a solution and a parameter for the augmented lagrangian.
Parameters: A : ndarray
system matrix
b : ndarray
measurement vector
x_init : ndarray
initial solution guess
rho : float
parameter for augmented lagrangian
alpha : float
thresholding parameter
num_steps : int
number of steps
Returns: ndarray
approximated solution to BPDN
Provides the Iterative Hard Thresholding Algorithm to approximate a solution to the l_0-minimization problem, which reads as
min ||x||_0 s.t. Ax = b
for given matrix A and vector b and it is described and analyzed in [IHT].
Implements the algorithm of iteratively reweighted least squares for approximating a solution to a l_0-minimization problem, which reads as
min ||x||_0 s.t. Ax = b
for given matrix A and vector b and it is described and analyzed in [IRLS].
Implements the algorithm of iterative soft thresholding for approximating a solution to a l_1-minimization problem, which reads as
min ||x||_a + lambda * ||Ax - b||_2^2
for given matrix A and vector b and it is described and analyzed in [ISTA].
(mat_A, arr_b, x_init, num_lambda, num_steps)[source]¶ - Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithm
Parameters: mat_A : ndarray
system matrix
arr_b : ndarray
measurement vector
x_init : ndarray
initial solution guess
num_lambda : int
thresholding parameter
num_steps : int
iteration steps
Returns: ndarray
estimated sparse solution
[ADMM] | Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers S. Boyd, N. Parikh, E. Chu, B. Peleato, and J. Eckstein, 2011 |
[IHT] | Iterative Hard Thresholding for Compressed Sensing Thomas Blumensath, Mike E. Davies arXiv:0805.0510 |
[IRLS] | Iteratively reweighted least squares minimization for sparse recovery Daubechies, I.; Devore, R.; Fornasier, M.; Güntürk Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics |
[ISTA] | An iterative thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems with a sparsity constraint Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University, USA), Michel Defrise (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), Christine De Mol (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) |
[OMP] | Orthogonal matching pursuit: recursive function approximation with applications to wavelet decomposition Y. C. Pati, R. Rezaiifar and P. S. Krishnaprasad Proceedings of 27th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers |