Source code for camiba.linalg.basic

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module aims at making work with some more specific and but still generally
applicable stuff way easier.

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
import numpy.random as npr

[docs]def hard_thrshld(arr_x, num_k): """ Hard Thresholding Parameters ---------- arr_x : ndarray vector to threshold num_k : int thresholding parameter Returns ------- ndarray thresholded vector """ sort = np.argsort(np.abs(arr_x)) arr_x[sort[:-num_k]] = 0
return arr_x
[docs]def soft_thrshld(arr_x, num_alpha): """ Soft Thresholding Parameters ---------- arr_x : ndarray vector to threshold num_k : int thresholding parameter Returns ------- ndarray thresholded vector """ arr_sig = np.sign(arr_x) arr_y = np.abs(arr_x) - num_alpha arr_y[arr_y < 0] = 0
return arr_y*arr_sig
[docs]def H(X): """ Return the Hermitian transpose of X """
return np.conj(X).T
[docs]def aB(a): """ Convert a Zero-One-Vector t a Boolean Vector """
return(np.array(a, dtype=bool))
[docs]def proj_sphere(X): """ Project columns of X onto the unit sphere This method takes a two-dimensional (real or complex) array X and projects the columns onto the unit sphere. It is very useful, if multiple vectors of the same size have to be normalized. """ # allocate memory for the result mat_Z = np.empty((X.shape[0], X.shape[1]), X.dtype) # iterate through the columns for ii in range(0, X.shape[1]): mat_Z[:, ii] = X[:, ii]/np.sqrt(np.conj(X[:, ii]).dot(X[:, ii]))
return mat_Z
[docs]def khatri_rao(X, Y): """ Calculate columnwise Kronecker Product This is also known as the Khatri-Rao product. """ # check if both matrices have same smount of columns if X.shape[1] != Y.shape[1]: raise TypeError('Matrices can not be multiplied') # the number of rows of the output N = X.shape[0]*Y.shape[0] # infer data-type form the factors Z = np.zeros( (N, X.shape[1]), dtype=np.promote_types(X.dtype, Y.dtype) ) # now push the reshaped outer products into the columns of the result for ii in range(0, X.shape[1]): Z[:, ii] = np.squeeze( np.asarray((np.outer(X[:, ii], Y[:, ii]).reshape(N, 1))) )
[docs]def sampleRIP(mat_X): """ Lower RIP-Constant bound For a given matrix, we randomly sample vectors on the unit sphere and try to approximate the RIP-constant based on the distortion X applies to the sampled vector. """ # extract the dimensions num_m = mat_X.shape[0] N = mat_X.shape[1] R = range(0, N) delta = np.zeros(num_m-1) # dunno what we are doing here for ii in range(1, num_m): print(ii) d = 0 if ii > 1: d = delta[ii-2] for jj in range(0, (N-ii)**2): S = npr.choice(R, size=ii, replace=0) mat_X_S = mat_X[:, S] num_X_S_norm = np.max( npl.svd(H(mat_X_S).dot(mat_X_S) - np.eye(ii), compute_uv=0)) d = max(d, num_X_S_norm) delta[ii-1] = d
return delta
[docs]def coh(X): """Self-Coherence of a matrix X""" Y = proj_sphere(X) G = np.abs(, Y)) G = G - np.eye(G.shape[1])
return np.max(G)
[docs]def mut_coh(X, Y): """Mutual Coherence of Two Matrices""" X1 = proj_sphere(X) Y1 = proj_sphere(Y) G = np.abs(, Y1))
return np.max(G)
[docs]def normGram( X ): """ Calculate the Normalized Gram Matrix """ arr_n = np.zeros(X.shape[1]) for ii in range(0, X.shape[1]): arr_n[ii] = 1.0/np.sqrt(np.sum(X[:, ii]**2))
[docs]def same_supp( x1, x2 ): """ Check if two vectors have the same support """ d = (1*(x1 != 0)) - (1*(x2 != 0))
return bool(1 - ((np.sum(np.abs(d))) > 0))
[docs]def has_supp_size( x, s ): """ checks if a vector has a certain support size """
return 1*(np.sum(x != 0) == s)
[docs]def arrayToString(x): """ Convert a numpy array to a string """ x_txt = list(map(lambda tt: str(tt), (x.tolist()))) x_txt = ",".join(x_txt)
return x_txt def T1_dist_l2(phi, phihat): phi1 = phi.squeeze().reshape((-1, +1)) phi2 = phihat.squeeze().reshape((+1, -1)) D1 = np.mod(phi1 - phi2, 2 * np.pi) D2 = np.mod(phi2 - phi1, 2 * np.pi) D = np.minimum(D1, D2) err = np.empty(D.shape[0]) for ii in range(D.shape[0]): minInd = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(D), D.shape) err[ii] = D[minInd[0], minInd[1]] D = np.delete(np.delete(D, minInd[1], 1), minInd[0], 0) return npl.norm(err) ** 2